Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Prayers for Layla Grace's Family

 Layla Grace Marsh

Some of you already know this but the little girl, Layla Grace, who I referenced in my post a few weeks ago, passed away yesterday morning.  Unfortunately, her mom and dad spent the last two weeks watching Layla die and very slow and painful death.  So, while we all grieve with this family because of their loss, we can also rejoice in the fact that Layla is "playing with the angels" as her mom said.  She is no longer in pain, she is no longer stuck in a body overtaken by cancer.  She is free.  She is whole and she is in the most wonderful place - our minds cannot even fathom it!  But, Layla has 2 older sisters. One who is 9 and one who is 3.  Please pray for this family as they begin a whole new journey on a very lonely road called loss. No one ever wants to travel that road.  Especially when it's the loss of your 2 year old daughter.

If you've read this blog, you know I believe in prayer.  I believe our prayers make a difference.  I believe it's one of the greatest gifts we can give someone else at anytime we choose! Because, I believe God hears.  I believe He listens.  And, I believe he loves.  He cares deeply for His children - which includes me and you.  He hurts when we hurt and wants to comfort us.  So, I'm asking.  Would you please pray for this family? It only takes a moment and I truly believe your prayers can bring God's peace and comfort to them.

Some of you may ask: if God is God, if God loves us & desires to comfort us, & hurts when we hurt, why would he let poor Layla die of cancer? I am not a theologian and I'm almost afraid to even "go there" for fear of the judgement of those who are, but I will.  Just not now. I have Bible study in a few moments and don't have the time right now!  But, I will.  Because I, too, have asked this question. I'll be happy to share what I've learned.  Stay tuned...

Please pray.

All my thanks and love,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cleaning house around here

I'm in the process of taking over the account that is referenced on the sidebar of this blog.  When Forester was diagnosed last year some dear friends of mine set up this account and got things going.  As time has gone on this account was neglected. So, my sincere apologies if you requested to subscribe to this blog, or sent us a message or made a request and it was never tended to. I started trying to go through each email to figure out who had been added or replied to but there are over 500 emails & it's just too big a task.  SO, if you wouldn't mind, if you were one of those who did not receive a response will you please email again?  I have all my accounts going into one mailbox now and I promise I will get it and respond! If you would like blog updates to come to your email inbox, just send and email to with Subscribe in the subject.  Thank you!
