Friday, July 17, 2009

Round 2 is done.

Forester is home and doing well. Happy to be in his own bed...or make shift bed in the corner of our room which has been his bed since Feb. He slept great and is in a great mood today!

The results of Pete's CT scan of his chest and neck were clear. We are thankful for that! Still not exactly sure what's going on with him but a clear CT rules out a bunch of serious stuff. Last night Pete slept well for the 1st time in about 2 weeks so praise God for that!

We return to the hospital for blood labs on Monday afternoon. My sis in law, Paris and her 3 kiddos (Sam, Madison, & 8 week old Nicholas) will be arriving from Nashville on Monday. Sam is Forester's very best friend in the whole world. They only see each other a couple of times a year. Forester currently doesn't know that they're coming because there is a chance that if his counts are already plummeting by Monday then we will have to quarantine him. Pray that Forester's counts take a slow decline so that I we'll be able to surprise him with the news that his favorite cousin is in town and he can go PLAY. I'm picturing the joy on his face...I pray I can give him this good news!

I'll keep you posted on the Pete mystery. Thanks for your prayers & keep praying against those chemo side effects!

Some birthday happiness...
my beautiful flowers... my flower made by Forester...and a great gift from Kathie, hanging pictures!

1 comment:

eastandwest said...

Praying now for a fun playdate for Forester and Sam!